I am a silent observer.

I notice the little things; the way she tucks her hair behind her ears, the lip-biting when he’s excited, the eyes that glance everywhere, that smile at the ground. Those small, insignificant details that might not seem like much from the outside.

I notice, but I do not speak. I stay in the background, listening and studying and soaking it in.

I am not lonely. I am not shy. Perhaps I am in my natural habitat, a world where thin conversation and drying sarcasm have no need to exist. A place where it is not strange to be alone.

Humans are bleeding from the moment they first smile–bleeding emotions and personalities and fears and even the deep, raw embers of the heart. They are flowing with infinite details that create the outline of who they are.

Only a few bother to see it. Only a few choose to notice it.


“I was quiet, but I was not blind.”

Jane Austen

What do you think?