Words cannot do justice for what my eyes can see, what my ears can hear, what I smell and feel and taste. I cannot do justice for the beauty in which God made this world.

Sure, words can combine all of the senses into one flowing, stretching swirl that touches your heart. But the only way to actually experience life in the fullest, honestly enjoying everything God has put in your hands, is to widen your eyes, block out everything else, and take in all that God has made. Take it all in, breathe it in, suck in your breath and taste his wonder, his awe, his joy. Squeeze your eyes shut and focus your ears on what is pure and beautiful. Take a deep whiff of his love and perfection.

Stop reading this. Go outside right now. Unplug yourself from everything else and just stop. Stay still.


“Be still and know that I am God.”
Psalms 46:10

5 thoughts on “Shut Up and Be Still

  1. This was a very well said post, Danaye. Very descriptive and passionate, something authors miss a lot of the time. I love the way you so simply put Scripture instead of making it an intimidating challenge to read. Great job! Keep it up! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

    Daughter of the King

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